2022-11-11 , 920 Views

[국제교류팀] Berkeley Summer Sessions Online info Session 안내

미국 Berkeley 대학교에서 주관하는 2023 Berkely Summer Sessions (버클리 여름 하계 대학), Virtual info session을 소개드리오니, 관심있으신 학생분들께서는 아래 링크를 접속하여 Virtual info session에 개별 등록하여 참가하시면 되겠습니다.  


Berkeley Summer Sessions & Study Abroad - Virtual Information Sessions




***** 본 프로그램은 미국 Berkeley 대학교에 이루어지는 프로그램이기 때문에, 프로그램 관련 문의 사항은 Berkeley Summer Session 담당자에게 문의하셔야 함을 알려드립니다. 

Virtual Information Sessions


During the summer term, UC Berkeley welcomes visiting students from around the world to enroll in Berkeley courses taught by acclaimed Berkeley faculty. Summer visiting students have the opportunity to choose from over 700 courses, study alongside Berkeley students, and earn an official UC Berkeley transcript. Students may join our vibrant community in person on our beautiful campus or online from the comfort and convenience of home. Don't miss this chance to study at a world-renowned institution! 

Please join an information session to learn more about this unique opportunity to take UC Berkeley courses as a visiting student during the summer term. All are welcome!


Please note that these info sessions have been designed to present opportunities available for individuals who have graduated from high school/secondary school. If you will not graduate from high school/secondary school prior to the start of the summer, then you may be eligible to study at Berkeley as part of our Pre-College Scholars Program! Find more information here.

If you require an accommodation for effective communication (ASL interpreting/CART captioning, alternative media formats, etc.) to fully participate in this event, please contact Elissar Kurban at ekurban@berkeley.edu with as much advance notice as possible and at least 7-10 days in advance of the event.

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