2024-03-12 , 1385 Views

Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz changed policy for the freemovers (visiting students)

On the webiste Courses offered – Studying (uni-mainz.de)  you will find the updated list of subjects where there are no regularly offered English taught courses so the students need to have at least B1/ better B2 knowledge of German to be able to get accepted.

SInce February 15th a new request form for freemovers is available online until April 1st. 

https://www.international-office.uni-mainz.de/freemover-en/ The students can find all updated information on the website.

For the form students need to register and then fill our the form. They need to upload a Transcript of records, a motivational letter and also a language certification for English and German (if they have skills). A list of certificates accepted as well as links to free online tests are listed online.

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