2021-06-25 , 2981 Views

Course Instruction for Fall 2021

To ensure the quality of education while conforming to the social distancing guidelines and government regulations, the plan for course instruction for Fall 2021 at Ewha is as follows:





Course Type

Class size

Instruction Format



Lab experiment/ Practice/Training

All classes

in-person only

in-person only


Theory & Practical

50 students or less

in-person + online

(students may choose to take courses online or in-person)

choose between

online and in-person

50 students or more

online only

online only


All courses

Format will be decided upon the discretion of the course instructor:

1) In-person or 2) In-person + online or 3) online class

*If the class size is over 50 students or more, it will be automatically shifted to online


- Instruction format for each course will be updated at Ewha’s website (www.ewha.ac.kr Academics Course Undergraduate/Graduate) from July 15, 2021.

- Instruction format is subject to change based on the COVID-19’s social distancing level. If the level rises above level 2.5, all classes will be changed to online.


  1. Instruction Format of ‘In-person + online’ class

Instruction format (faculty)

- Teach class in-person in assigned classroom during assigned time

- Teach via online platform in real time for students taking class remotely (synchronous) or record lecture and upload video file afterwards (asynchronous) (ZOOM support to be provided)


Attendance (students)

- Choose between attending  class in-person or taking class online

 * Neither option will result in any disadvantages to a student’s grade or attendance


- Guidelines for the selecting the ‘Attendance type’ will be provided after the course registration period.

- If all students who take the ‘in-person + online’ class choose the attendance type as ‘online’, it will be shifted to the 100% online class.


- Theory and theory/practical courses with the size of below 50 students can be shifted to online class after the course add/drop period, if registered students rises above 50 students.


- Theory and theory/practical courses with less than 50 registered students may convert to being conducted fully online or face-to-face, or be adjusted to a more efficient instruction method, if: 1) there is common consent between the instructor and students, and 2) the (relevant college/graduate school) dean has approved of the change after consideration of the course type, quality, availability of classrooms.



    2. Instruction format of ‘online’ class


  In accordance with university regulations on remote teaching and learning, online courses will be composed of the following:


 텍스트 상자: PowerPoint + supplemental material (instructor voice recording)orVideo recording (recorded videos or via Zoom)



텍스트 상자: Online learning activities·Online Q&A chats·Online discussions·Check understanding of content through quiz



3. Criteria for video lectures

        - Must be one of the following: ① synchronous online class, ② lecture video recorded by instructor (asynchronous) or ③ a combination of the above


- At least 30% of lecture content must be updated or renewed at the beginning of each year







4. Midterm and final exams will be conducted in compliance with university regulation at the discretion of the course instructor. Methods can be arranged according to the COVID-19 stituation.



Course Instruction for Fall 2021

Article 38 (Examinations) ① Examinations must be conducted regularly for each course, mid-term and at the end of each semester. However, depending on the course, examinations may not take place or may be replaced with temporary examinations. (amended 2016.6.16.)

② Examinations may be conducted in written or oral format, replaced with submission of assignments, or conducted in other methods, at the discretion of the course instructor (added 2016.6.16.)


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