2020-06-23 , 2600 Views

Dear Class of Spring 2020 | Ewha Womans University Study Abroad Program Farewell

Dear Class of Spring 2020 | Ewha Womans University Study Abroad Program Farewell 첨부 이미지



Dear Class of Spring 2020


We cannot have the actual Farewell Ceremony this year due to the worldwide pandemic. Instead, we have made this video for you as as gift so that you can flash back on your memories at Ewha. Have a safe trip back home!


◆ Vice President Presentation 1:26


◆ Congratulatory Performance 3:57

How Far I'll Go - Moana OST by De O


De O creates harmony between Korean traditional music, western music, and video.

For further videos, search '드오' on YOUTUBE or click the link - http://bitly.kr/N7cMGeDY


◆ Student Representative Presentation

Marie Ceesay 6:56

Jens Van Der Duim 12:18


◆ Student Representative Conferment Ceremony 16:22


◆ Flashback 16:55

Ewha OIA

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